Ring-O-Matic 850DV

Deep Vaccum Pit Cleaner
The Ring-O-Matic 850DV pit cleaner is an ideal solution for operators who have sediment pits that are deeper than 10′.
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• An 18 Hp, electric start, twin cylinder, OHV engine.
• 230 CFM (cubic feet per minute) blower.
• 800 gallon collection tank capacity (12,800 lb fully loaded weight).
• This pit cleaner model is a solution for operators who have sediment pits that are deeper than 10′. The 850 Deep Vac pit cleaner operates efficiently at depths up to 15’.
• The Ring-O-Matic 850DV is an ideal pit cleaner for operators who have car washes with limited access pits. These pits are often the secondary pits where cleaning access is available through a manhole or other small opening.
• The Ring-O-Matic 850DV can empty a typical 100 cubic foot sediment pit in about 30 minutes.
• Easy to use and to unload. The tank is dumped using a hydraulic lift system. Mud-cake is set free from the bottom of the collection tank using a pneumatic load breaker. The pneumatic load breaker and the hydraulic system are driven by the pit cleaner’s engine with simple, easy-to-use controls.. The 850 Deep Vac can also be unloaded with its pressurized off-load feature.
• Weighs in at 12,800 lbs fully loaded. This means it can be safely and legally pulled by a full size pick-up. Check your vehicle to see if it is rated to safely handle this conveniently sized unit.
• We have had a Midwest car wash operator report that with a Ring-O-Matic pit cleaner, they can reduce their pit cleaning costs by over $10,000 per year in their 19 bay operation. This gave them a very quick return on their investment.
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Interested in learning more about the Ring-O-Matic 850DV? Schedule your free demo today.
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