3 Catch Basin Cleaning Tips to Make Your Job Easier

Catch basins are vital to protecting public health and safety. By trapping solids like rocks, debris, litter, leaves and sand, catch basins let surface water runoff enter conveyance systems for storm water. This keeps the receiving water bodies cleaner.

Catch basin cleaning is needed to prevent pooling water and flooding while stopping harmful pollutants and sediment from reaching waterways.

Follow these three catch basin cleaning tips to make your job easier!


Set a Schedule

Catch basin cleaning should be performed on a regular schedule. While monthly cleaning may be fine for some areas, others that are known “trouble spots” should be cleaned more often. Your local climate will also influence your schedule — we recommend catch basin cleaning once leaves have fallen from trees in autumn and after the spring snow melt to remove accumulation of debris, leaves, salt and sand that can build up during the winter. If your area experiences a rainy season, we recommend more frequent catch basin cleaning at times when stormwater runoff is most frequent.


Use the Right Combination Sewer Cleaner

Our combination sewer cleaners in Los Angeles, San Diego, Central Valley, Phoenix and Las Vegas from Vactor effectively remove debris from catch basins while using high-pressure water to clean the bottom and sides of the basin. These versatile sewer cleaners remove blockages to restore normal sewer flow.

Ask us about our units featuring large debris tanks, longer boom reaches and greater water carrying capacity! Explore our inventory here and contact us to schedule your free in-person demo.


Educate Your Community

Local residents can make your job easier too. Talk to your city’s government about educating the community on cleaning up grass clippings, leaves and other debris after yard work. Talk about how these materials can easily end up in local waterways, and stress the importance of never dumping chemicals, oil or waste into storm drains or catch basins. Finally, let residents know they can contact the department of public works if they notice standing water near storm drains or catch basins after rainfall.

Following these steps can make catch basin cleaning easier and more effective to improve the quality of life in your community and prevent costly repairs in the future.

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