Madvac Electric Collector LC400/600

Electric Litter and Waste Collector with Trailer Attachment
Add litter capacity to your Madvac LP61-G skid-mount portable vacuum with our new tow behind, fully electric litter compactor LC400 and LC600.
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The ideal solution for collecting waste in limited-access areas such as parks, crowded city centers and more. The Madvac Electric Collector LC400/600 can be used a satellite units and discharge in larger rear loaders near-by on streets. Our unique, eco-friendly Mavac collectors are a no-brainer for cities and contractors.
• Increase LP61-G litter container capacity by 1233% with the Madvac LC400 or by 1900% with the Madvac LC600. The LC400/LC600 uses a single electric motor for loading, compacting and tipping.
• This unit is designed specifically for cities and municipalities, contractors, landfills, transfer stations, solid waste and recycling facilities, manufacturing facilities, transit authorities, educational and sports facilities, amusement parks, distribution centers, correctional facilities and healthcare services.
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Interested in learning more about the Madvac Electric Collector LC400/600? Schedule your free demo today.
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