Envirosight WinCan Software

Richer, Deeper Analysis for Better Decisions
With Envirosight WinCan software, you can coordinate team members around high-efficiency workflows, leverage AI to find defects and plan rehab, and visualize complex data with an easy-to-use, map-based interface.
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One platform for all your sewer data.
Break out of data silos. Envirosight WinCan software consulates all your asset data on a single AI-powered platform. WinCan’s asset-centric approach means you can interpret inspection findings holistically. Whether you’re correlating pipe grade to debris accumulation, understanding root intrusion in terms of surface vegetation, troubleshooting I&I, or establishing asset criticality—WinCan gives you the full picture so you can make smarter decisions about inspection, maintenance and rehab.
Inspecting and Coding: Gather standards-compliant data using one of 50+ available defect catalogs (including PACP/MACP and WRc). Built-in tools streamline code lookup, feature measurement and header prepopulation.
Mapping: Visualize asset condition system-wide, with granularity down to individual observations. Click and drag to assign work orders, track the progress of your crews, and use visualization tools like heat maps to understand where defects are clustered.
Scanning: If using laser profiling or side scanning, Envirosight WinCan software has advanced tools for viewing the data and marking up deliverables. Virtual 3D view, pipe geometry creation, feature auto-recognition and heat mapping all help you review scans efficiently and focus your attention where it’s needed.
Modeling: Using data from XYZ sensors and WinCan’s own image measurement tools, WinCan can build a full model of your collections system. Extend that with geometry from laser scans pipelines (with ROVVER X) and manholes (with Cleverscan), and a “digital twin” of your actual infrastructure begins to emerge.
Reporting: Although WinCan Web allows all stakeholders to interact with source inspection data, sometimes the workflow requires a report. Using modifiable templates, WinCan’s reporting tools allow you to present data for quick comprehension with customized branding.
Planning and Budgeting: The goal of sewer inspection is to identify and address maintenance needs. WinCan’s rehab planning module compares collection system condition against cost tables for regionally available rehab methods, and then prepares a detailed rehab plan and budget—saving you days of analysis and guesswork.
WinCan Web: Your data is secure and accessible on the WinCan Web cloud portal. Grant your team real-time access to inspection data—they’ll be able to code, review, edit and analyze inspection datasets using powerful online tools available in any browser-enabled device.
WinCan Workstation: Our desktop app links directly to the cloud for project management. Field inspection personnel and back-office engineers can code data and access powerful filtering and analytical tools—plus enhanced capabilities like 3D modeling, image measurement, scanning and profiling tools, and more.
WinCan Embedded: WinCan’s embedded firmware powers the defect coding and image measurement capabilities of ROVVER X. The Sewerlink app operates the Quickview zoom camera and Jetscan video nozzle, allowing operators to review, assess and annotate footage. And in all cases, inspection data can be transferred directly from the field to WinCan Web.
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Interested in learning more about the Envirosight WinCan software? Schedule your free demo today.
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