Attempting to clean sewers without seeing their condition firsthand can be wasteful, time-consuming and ultimately unsuccessful. Pre- and post-cleaning video assessment helps ensure you clean only when necessary, and that your cleaning efforts are successful. Using a CCTV crawler for assessment, though, can quickly drain resources.
In this white paper, we discuss the benefits of utilizing zoom assessment technology to understand pipe condition pre- and post-jetting. These benefits include conserving CCTV crawler resources, time and cost savings, improved safety, ease of documentation and convenience.
Click here to download and read the white paper from Envirosight!
Rovver X and The Power of One
The Rovver X from Envirosight is one system that lets you do everything: control inspections, view and save digital video, log observations, create reports and link directly to your asset-management software.
Maneuver past obstacles easily with steerable 6-wheel drive, adapt the modular design to pipes of any material, condition or size and deploy the compact system from any size vehicle.
Interested in learning more about this smart, versatile and agile equipment? Contact us to schedule your free demo!