Street Sweepers in Las Vegas for Every Application

We have street sweepers in Las Vegas, San Diego, Los Angeles and Phoenix for every application here at Haaker. Whether you are looking for a street sweeper for year-round use or for heavy-duty cleanup, we have you covered!


The Best Year-Round Street Sweepers in Las Vegas

Areas like Las Vegas require year-round street sweeping. We recommend mechanical and waterless dust sweepers for areas that deal with sand, gravel and other debris all year long. Waterless sweepers with dust control are perfect for cities where dried sand and salt can result in excessive dust.

Heavy-Duty Sweeping

Have a heavy-duty job that requires sweeping silt, gravel, sand or salt? We love mechanical sweepers for their powerful performance. These street sweepers make light work of sweeping up large amounts of heavy materials.


Street Sweepers for Leaf Removal

Pine cones and leaves that accumulate in street gutters can be removed by regenerative air sweepers or mechanical sweepers. These machines have large-diameter suction hoses, wide pick-up heads and the ability to lower or raise the head hydraulically, making them perfect for these applications.

Catch-basin Cleaning

Equipment for this purpose must have the ability to lift litter, silt, gravel, sand and leaves from the catch basin. Pure vacuum sweepers and regenerative air sweepers are the best choices when equipped with a catch basin cleaning hose feature or a boom-style hose.

Maintenance and Cleaning of Porous Pavement

Porous pavements are becoming more and more common as growing evidence suggests they are one of the best ways to deal with runoff of storm water. To maintain your porous pavement, invest in a high-power vacuum sweeper or regenerative air sweeper. We also highly recommend high-power vacuum sweepers for restoration projects on porous pavements.

Explore our inventory of street sweepers in Las Vegas here, and contact Haaker today to schedule your free demo!

Let's Talk.

Thanks for stopping by Haaker Equipment Company! We’re here to help you with any questions you have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.